Lothian & Borders Target Shooting Association: Administration.
The Association is administered by a Management Committee. This consists of the usual office-bearers of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, plus the Secretaries who run all the various competitions provided by the Association. In addition, the County Captain, the Awards Convenor and the NSRA Representative are automatic members of the Committee.
There are also up to six Ordinary members elected from nominations from affiliated clubs. Such members are elected for one year each but may be re-elected in subsequent years without limit.
Here are ‘role descriptions’ for all the Committee posts.
The Annual General Meeting is held in May, and the Committee (theoretically) meets at regular intervals throughout the year.
Here is the Constitution and here are the Bye-laws. These go into lengthy, boring, tedious and sometimes tortuous detail about everything concerning the management of the Association. They are adapted from the NSRA’s equivalent models for clubs.