The "World Cup" Competition:  The World Cup is a competition for smallbore rifle shooters and was introduced to the LBTSA's competition programme in 1990.  It was originally patterned on the then current football World Cup competition and it basically still does although FIFA has tweaked the format of their Finals since then and has made it difficult if not impossible to transfer to this environment. Here's a picture of the awards on offer.

Contact the World Cup organiser here

NB: Those clubs that elect to do local scoring in the postal Qualifying Stage should download this Excel proforma file and use it to submit their scores by email.  Instructions are contained within it.

The entry form for the 2024-25 competition is now available. It has been sent to recent previous entrants as well as to other potentially interested parties.  Entries close on 16th September – now extended to 23rd September.

If you wish to be sent one directly, please use the ‘Contact’ button above to make a request.
