Competitions: If you or your club wish to enter any competitions, please contact the Association's Secretary, who will be delighted to send the relevant forms (in either electronic or paper format). Forms for each new season's competitions will be available from August each year. Clubs must affiliate to the Association to compete in the team competitions, and this allows all its members to shoot in the individual competitions as well. Individuals may also affiliate in order to shoot the individual competitions only (except the 'World Cup', which is open to anyone).
Following the merger of the Lothian Smallbore Shooting Association and the Scottish Southern Counties Association in 2020, some of the competitions on offer have changed from those previously offered by both organisations. Below is an overview of those to be run from the 2021-22 season onwards with links to dedicated results pages as appropriate.
Name & Award(s)
Shoulder-to-Shoulder League
Younger Shield for scratch and the Maule Targe for the handicap competition.
Younger Shield for scratch and the Maule Targe for the handicap competition.
Teams of 4. Variable division sizes depending on entry. If only one division, a handicap league is run concurrently.
Shoulder-to-Shoulder League – Matchplay league
Points are awarded for individual matches between the members of each opposing S/S team.
Best average in S/S League
Hayhoe Cup
Hayhoe Cup
Allowed to miss 2 matches.
Team Postal League
Medals for division winners. The winner of Division 1 receives the ICI Cup. The team with the best improvement over its declared average at the end of the season (using Macrae tables) wins the Lyal trophy.
Medals for division winners. The winner of Division 1 receives the ICI Cup. The team with the best improvement over its declared average at the end of the season (using Macrae tables) wins the Lyal trophy.
Teams of 4, divisions of 6, ten rounds. Usually 5 divisions.
Top averages in the Team Postal League.
Duncan Cup for best overall average and the Scott Shield for the best Junior’s average.
Duncan Cup for best overall average and the Scott Shield for the best Junior’s average.
Must shoot all 10 rounds.
Best Improvement in Team Postal League
Smith Shield
Smith Shield
The individual with the best percentage improvement of their average from the previous season.
Individual Postal League
Medals or plaques.
Medals or plaques.
Divisions of 6, ten rounds spread over January-March.
Indoor Championships
Open: Whitton Cup for the overall winner and the Tennant Cup for the best qualifier.
Ladies: Watt Bowl.
Veterans: Veterans Trophy.
Junior: NSRA Jubilee trophy.
Inexpert A & Inexpert B: medals.
Open: Whitton Cup for the overall winner and the Tennant Cup for the best qualifier.
Ladies: Watt Bowl.
Veterans: Veterans Trophy.
Junior: NSRA Jubilee trophy.
Inexpert A & Inexpert B: medals.
Postal qualifying stage for the Open Championship, with the top 16 going to a s/s knock-out final. The other championships are decided on a postal stage only.
Run concurrently with the Unsquadded Aggregate at the NSRA’s Scottish Meeting. Confined to residents of the LBTSA area. Handicaps are related to NSRA classifications.
Outdoor Championship
Liddell-Grainger trophy.
Liddell-Grainger trophy.
Final shoot at the Field Day. This is an Open competition not confined to LBTSA members.
Team CYOH Knock-out
Burton Cup.
Burton Cup.
Teams of 4, knock-out, shot postally. No minimum handicap but reserves must use the declared team member’s one.
Individual CYOH Knock-out
Dundas Salvor.
Dundas Salvor.
CYOH, shot postally, minimum handicap of 5.
World Cup
Overall winner: The World Cup trophy.
The Hamilton Plate and the Buchanan Bowl for those knocked out in early rounds.
Overall winner: The World Cup trophy.
The Hamilton Plate and the Buchanan Bowl for those knocked out in early rounds.
For individuals. Qualifying postal stage with s/s Final for 24 qualifiers. Based on football’s World Cup format.
Take the link for all the results, averages, league tables and estimated scores for LBTSA County teams
If any comps were run for these disciplines any more, this is where the details and results would go.
Shows pictures of all the trophies that are competed for annually.
Shows as many of the old LSSA and recent LBTSA Annual Prize Lists as are available. Please lend any missing ones to the site administrator to include here!
SSCA Prize lists
Shows as many of the old SSCA Annual Prize Lists as are available. Please lend any missing ones to the site administrator to include here!
NOTE – You will require Adobe Reader (or a siimilar product that reads PDF files) to view many of the results files accessed through these links. If you do not have this utility, obtain the latest version free by clicking on the link below.