This page shows a gallery of all the trophies for the Association's competitions. The Association has other trophies currently not competed for which are in storage.
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- The Younger ShieldFor the winners of Divsion 1 of the Shoulder-to-Shoulder league
- The Hayhoe Cup For the highest average in the Shoulder-to-Shoulder league
- The Evening News Cup For the winners of Division 2 of the Shoulder-to-Shoulder league
- Matchplay Trophy For the winners of the Matchplay competition run coincurrently with the Shoulder-to-Shoulder league (one per division)
- The Maule Targe For the winners of Division 3 of the Shoulder-to-Shoulder league (whenever there is a Division 3)
- Duncan Cup For the highest average in the Team Postal league
- The Smith Shield For the best improvement in the Postal League (from previous season)
- The Tom Hastie Shield For the winners of the Choose-Your-Own-Handicap team knock-out
- The Mclennan Medal For the winner of the Outdoor Championship (scratch)
- The Ettrick & Lauderdale ‘Paperweight’ Trophy For the winner of the Outdoor Championship (handicap)
- The Whitton Cup For the winner of the Indoor Championship
- The Watt Rose Bowl For the winner of the Ladies Championship
- The Veterans Trophy For the winner of the Veterans Championship
- The Nobel Statuette For the winner of the Junior Championship
- The World Cup collection For winners at the Wortd Cup Championship: the main trophy, the Hamilton Plate and the Buchanan Bowl, plus medals