Championships: Inexpert Class B Champions archive. These winners receive a medal only.
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Season Winner  
2021-22 Jamie Brown George Watson’s College
2020-21 No comp (Covid)  
2019-20 X Lin George Watson’s College
2018-19 M Feldmeier Edinburgh University
2017-18 J Glen George Watson’s College
2016-17 C Hillert Edinburgh University
2015-16 S Singh Edinburgh University
2014-15 S Blood George Watson’s College
2013-14 P Noble Selkirk
2012-13 R Newell George Watson’s College
2011-12 R Dempster Selkirk
2010-11 C Guest Prestonpans
2009-10 R Newell George Watson’s College
2008-09 No competition  
2007-08 L Marinello George Watson’s College
2006-07 Miss L Cummings Dalkeith
2005-06 J Barron George Watson’s College
2004-05 C Seale George Watson’s College
2003-04 N Czemerys George Watson’s College
2002-03 G MacDougall Selkirk
2001-02 K Strachan George Watson’s College
2000-01 No entries  
1999-00 R T W Scott George Watson’s College
1998-99 A Somerville George Watson’s College
1997-98 G Cox George Watson’s Colllege
1996-97  –  
1993-94 N McGechan Watsonians
1986-87 A Coates Watsonians
1985-86 Miss E Young Watsonians
1984-85 M Walkingshaw Gorebridge
1981-82 = Miss H Patterson
=Mrs J McNeill
 1980-81 J Oddy Edinburgh Railways


These are all I have to hand. Please send in missing ones if you have the names.

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