See Text window for instructions. This page will not appear on the site as it won’t be linked to from anywhere and is soley to be used as a base for new pages. Use/delete the bits wanted/not wanted as desired.

To use, open this page, right-click ‘Add New’ at the top and take Open in New Tab. Give the page a name before you do anything else. Then Copy all the HTML in the TEXT window of this page and Paste into the TEXT WINDOW of the new page. Update the box header within the ‘pre’ tags to give the title and description of the new page – it’s best to do that in Text view as the formatting tends to go wonky otherwise.  Now remove the bits of the template you don’t want and add new bits. Don’t forget to remove these comments!

Title goes here: Description goes here.

Subtitle here if wanted ‘Back to’ page link


sample table cell 1 cell2 cell3

Add any more text at the end here.
‘Back to’ page link if required

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